First meeting with the Elders includingNorma Fawcett at Lake Helen First Nationheld October 11, 2005 as Waabi-ma'iingan Traditional Teaching Lodge.Incorporated September 15, 2006.Conducted 5 community gatherings 2006.
Hosted Dragonfly Symposium and SpringCeremony 2007. Hosted Spring and FallCeremonies 2008, 2009 and 2010. Eldersand Youth Gathering 2010 at Chippewa.Provided Cultural Awareness Workshops.
Hosted Fall Ceremony and second Eldersand Youth Gathering at Old Fort Williamin 2011. Hosted Elder from PeruvianAmazon and doctors from around world inFall Ceremony in 2012.
Conducted programming and ceremoniesat commercial space. Continued to provideCultural Awareness Workshops.Applied/received accreditation. WomenWalking with Women and Rites/Rights ofPassage Programs.
Received charitable status September 19,2014.
Contract as NILO at the Thunder Bay Jailand providing services at Forensic MentalHealth Unit at hospital. Had to pull backas result of pandemic. Developing landbased operations.
Pivoted Cultural Awareness Workshopsvirtually during pandemic. Developingland based operations. Hosted 5 free landbased activities during summer.
Looking ahead to expansion of landbased activities. Rebranding andcreation of e-commerce website.Moving forward to selling coursesonline. Hosted free ReconciliationSpeakers Panel May 13, 2022.